Twitter To Ban Abusive Accounts
Twitter is one of the social media platforms where people get accused on various occasions. To deal with this abusive behavior from users on this media platform, Twitter has been trying various things. One of the latest technique that has been introduced by Twitter is offenders are sent notifications showing tweet reach has been limited. The penalty for abusing on this social media platform is for about 12 hours and there are no clear options available about the violations that occur. But it is expected to have an individual breakout time where the user will be warned. The limitation is in such a way that the user’s from outside the account will not be able to see the tweets. The same option is also applicable for the re-tweets where a person tries to send a reply to tweets made by the banned user, it will just be seen by the followers of that particular Twitter account. According to Twitter the banning option will not be used for just a single incident and it will happen only when the behavior continuous in a broad way. This restrictions is considered to be Twitter’s one of the best moves till no to deal with the online abuse. Even though the limitations will be on temporary basis and it will also let the people to use their Twitter account with limited restrictions. This important move from Twitter is the best which will help them to deal with one of the biggest issues faced by them from a long time. There is one problem with this restriction that is the banned account will be back online once the limited time is over. The tweets also come back to the account after the time limit which is not really a good step from Twitter. But it can reduce the tweets that follow up the original tweet and also make people to rethink about their sharing content which may not contain any abuses due to the ban. Twitter can make some changes to this new option like increasing the time limit for the restriction from 12 hours to more. They can also create a level on limitation that can happen before the full ban. This is really a step forward from Twitter to reduce the abuse on this social media platform. As informed in January by Ed Ho, VP of Engineering for Twitter the update looks really interesting for dealing with the online abuse. Twitter also announced about a new change which will help the users to report the tweets made by blocked accounts and a new option known as ‘safe search’ has been introduced which will remove the tweets which feature sensitive content. They even announced there will be no notification when the users get listed been getting reversed a few hours later. Apart from all the options introduced by Twitter, this one is really interesting where the users will also feel free to express their views without getting abused]]>