Twitter Introduces New Option For Replies
Twitter has been testing a few options which showed some users reply mainly counted on their own tweets. Now there is an official confirmation from Twitter that this function will be available for all the users and new system will be introduced which will be able to rank the replies made by the user as per different factors. In this option first reply counts in Twitter alongside the re-tweet similar to the metrics on every tweet. With this function there will be more perception as to engagement levels during the tweet content and now we will get a good overview about how the people will respond to a particular message. Even though Twitter has taken a long time to add this function, it is really good step that they have at least included this now. Replies listing will not be a part of search as well as analytics capacity in Twitter as you can filter the search results of the tweet now related to replies made by users.
This new metric is expected to bring in more people to select a particular tweet and ‘Replies’ stat will be similar to the option ‘Comments’. You can also see the activity level of each rely related to the post and comments generated which will help in click through to check how people are responding for a notification received from a follower. According to Twitter, some of the replies made during a conversation in Twitter which is also not available as chronological order as they will group with sub-conversations. This is another way to use the algorithm ranking which is expected to increase your engagement on this social media platform and this feature is similar to Facebook where you can see it a user has shared a comment on your post. Twitter is planning to do the same as it is planning to increase its listings by displaying the replies that the users are interested in, but we have to wait to see how it works.
This is a very unique option which will make the Twitter users more exited as it really makes sense. Twitter also shared their testing about notification relevance with the learning systems has received a good result. With this data Twitter has made a really positive move that is expected to attract more users when compared other major social media channels. Twitter was facing a lot of risk of losing the users due to other platforms improvement in their features. Both these additions in this social media platform would be a positive approach from the company with increased context which also shows that they have been trying to customize user experience. All these efforts made by Twitter is known to increase the engagement that would automatically improve this social media platform. Whether these options are able to take Twitter to a next level is yet to see and in what range these features are helpful for the users are also still expected.]]>