How To Switch Back To The Old Twitter Layout (2019)

If you were forced to update to new Twitter layout and you are not able to switch back to old layout, there is one simple thing you need to do: Just click Click “Switch back” and old layout will welcome you back. Do you want to be popular on Twitter? Try our Fame service […]

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 3 Brands That Are Taking Twitter Marketing To An Entirely New Level To Reach Millennials

Jennifer Lopez Twitter

The death of Twitter has been proclaimed for the past several years, as other social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat have gobbled up the desired young demographic that used to drive Twitter’s popularity. But despite its decline in social media relevancy, young consumers are still gathering on Twitter, but the question is: how […]

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 Twitter Will Be Broadcasting Bloomberg Content

Twitter has revealed about its new agreement with Bloomberg where they will broadcast Bloomberg content on this social media platform. This idea about broadcasting live video was revealed by Twitter last year as they live streamed NFL games that saw the participation of 2.7-million viewers. But Twitter lost its live broadcast rights recently that were […]

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