Why Twitter Is So Strict In Their Rules?

buy Twitter followers. The real reason why we should buy Twitter followers, is because of its greater potential ability, which may easily allow you to gain more traffic than you ever had right now. But there is one thing I would like you to know before taking action of any method you had on Twitter. In other words, this should be one of the most important things you should read before trying to attempt starting out your own campaigns. What am I suppose to talk about anyway for all of you? In this article or blog post right now, I will be talking about the strictness of Twitter. As the one who buy Twitter followers, you must be aware of the things that are allowed, and those things that are not allowed. But speaking of strictness for all of us who buy Twitter followers, we are talking about the things that are not going to be friendly on Twitter. The real reason why I am going to talk about this, is because there are so many people who are abusing Twitter’s image. There are certain cases actually, and I will explain each one of them. But what makes you think that many of people who also buy Twitter followers, are going to abuse the terms and conditions of Twitter? As a matter of fact, they are treating this as a good source to market their own campaigns by simply doing it in the wrong way. Here are some few ways that could abuse the Twitter’s terms and conditions. For those of you who are going to buy Twitter followers, you really need to become aware of these kind of rules like no other. Did you get my point already or not? I really hope that you could simply get my point, as you are going to buy Twitter followers once and for all. The first thing I really wanted you to do, is simply not going to spam some tweets to your own followers. Spamming is one thing that Twitter hates the most, and they don’t like it, and they hate it at most. What it has to do with spamming anyway? Well for me who is going to render services to my customers, it is about copy and paste your own message with a link (shortened by Bit.Ly), and send unsolicited messages to unknown targeted customers. Another thing that Twitter hates to us, is pure automation to tweets via RSS feeds. For those of you who are going to buy Twitter followers, I think you are already familiar with this kind of scheme. Am I really correct about this one guys? They are using a combination of Google Reader and Yahoo Pipes to automate their own Twitter campaigns, but it’s not good enough and you should be careful about it. If you are not so careful about using automated schemes on Twitter, for sure your own account will be banned like no other.]]>

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