Twitter To Remove 140 Character Limit
Twitter had made a new announcement towards the limitation to its 140 character. This limitation of character from Twitter had sparked a huge attraction from many people all over the world and some of them even though that this would affect the Twitter’s growth in a higher level. But Twitter has announced that they would make this 140 character limitation official within few weeks with some interesting facts. Some of the changes announced by Twitter have been considered to be really amazing by most of the people and the remaining changes had very less effect on others. The announcement from Twitter about the character limitation includes,
1. The media attachments will not be considered in the 140 character limit which can be useful for the media users.
2. The 140 characters will also not consider the names during a reply.
3. The tweets that start with name will also be displayed to all the followers.
4. It is possible to re-tweet to yourself with this new change made by Twitter.
All the above mentioned changes are expected to be available for the Twitter user from next week, but this has not been confirmed by the social media yet. Twitter is also planning to make this change official and the result would be seen in 2-3 months time the way it performed. Both Instagram and Facebook also made a similar kind of changes on their platform , but it took some time to reach to the people in large numbers. The most important advantage of all these updates is really good as it has left all the bad things related to Twitter behind. This is really helpful for Twitter as many people start to take advantage of this important change. There are also few segment of people who think that Twitter would face some criticism with the limitation of this 140-character. The limitation on 140-character was announced by Twitter at least 3-4 months back and they are expected to be completely ready to introduced this important change on their platform.
Now after all this updates, the question remains the same in everyone’s mind whether this would really be helpful for the Twitter users. It can be an important update for regular Twitter users as it will support them in making their tweet process more engaging as they will have additional space to express all their information. Now people will enter Twitter without any limitations towards using the character while composing a tweet. But the main question is whether this change can attract the users who are regular visitor to Twitter as this update must appeal to them the most. Overall, this update would make the tweet process very simple and whether it would be useful one for the people is still expected till it comes to effect very soon. All the speculation received made by the people about changing the 140-character would come to a end once it gets official confirmation from Twitter.]]>