Twitter Pay Per Download Niche #2: PC and MMO Game Generators

This is another niche that was used to be downloaded by lots of gamers out there (also for those who buy Twitter followers). I’m calling this niche as PC and MMO game generators. But are they really quite different than game cracks, beta keys and serial keys in every game? Of course! They are totally different for you to promote it to the ones you buy Twitter followers. These generators will give you a feature that generates in-game credits or points to be added in your respective game account, no matter what game are you playing right now. This is to remind everyone that this strategy is also not easy for you to do, even if you buy Twitter followers already.

Really? It’s not going to be easy after all?

I believe it’s not that easy after you buy Twitter followers. Just like what I have previously discussed about game cracks, beta keys and serial keys, it’s not that easy for you to setup the campaigns before you buy Twitter followers. In this article, we are going to let you know how to setup everything with PC and MMO Game Generators. Let me give you an example of a game in which most of them (especially those people who are interested to buy Twitter followers) are really desperate about getting these credits or points into their MMO accounts. For instance, assuming that your chosen game is about League of Legends, players like you are going to buy Riot Points. We’ll, most of them (including you who is planning to buy Twitter followers) have no money to buy Riot Points in any price denomination they want. In order for you to solve their problems before attempting to buy Twitter followers, you need to create your own fake Riot Points generator. Do you think pay per download sites are allowing us to create fake Riot Points generators for the niches we choose? We’ll, there are some pay per download programs I know which you are allowed to promote fake game generators to the ones you buy Twitter followers. Some of them are FileIce LLC, FileFlare and BlamAds. I would like to add Adscendmedia on this, but I don’t think they allow fake programs or can mislead their customers. But for the rest of the three programs I’ve mentioned, these are totally perfect for you to start campaigning while you are waiting to buy tons of followers on your Twitter account. It takes a little bit of programming knowledge that you should apply. You should download Microsoft Visual Basic 2011 (the latest programming software today), but you may also use the older versions as well. Before you are going to buy Twitter followers, you need to learn how Visual Basic works in order to market your so-called fake Riot Points game generator. You can find all the simple tutorials there on Youtube, and it’s easy for you to learn there. In this kind of game while you are able to purchase followers on Twitter. We will be talking about this more, as the next article covers on monetizing this kind of niche to your targeted followers.]]>

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