Twitter Marketing: Why Craigslist Really Need Our Accounts To Be Phone Verified?
buy Twitter followers for this, we should be more extra careful in promoting our ads like no other? I think you are absolutely that correct, my friend. Every classified ad has its own rules, and we should need to play it safely. Would you like me to reveal that classified ad website that I am talking about? Of course, why cannot I reveal this anyway to Twitter marketers like you? Am I really hiding something from all of you right here who read my blog posts over and over again? The answer is no, I am not hiding anything here. It is not good for me to hide something suspicious, because in the end, you may know what would it be in the near future. Ok now, it’s time to had enough with the chit-chat things for real. In this article of mine, I will be asking you another surprise question, but this time for classified ads. Why is it that Craigslist requires us to have phone verified accounts anyway? So my friend, this is all about Craigslist for Twitter marketers, right? Ah yes, you are absolutely correct once again. Craigslist was indeed the best classified ad site in the whole world, even though they had a simple design, and it was fashioned too old. But they had a lot of traffic in the world than the other existing competitors like eBay, Kijiji and Gumtree. You got that, right? Going back to the question I have asked you a while ago, can you answer it right now? Or maybe not now? Oh well, I guess I will be answering this for you anyway. The real reason why Craigslist requires us as Twitter marketers, to have phone verified accounts, is because of too much spamming and abuse to their own advertisements. There are so many people there who are just spamming their customers without revealing their own identity, and it can happen from any country you are. This is why Craigslist was so strict to their users, and I thank them for that for good. Even though that we are used to buy Twitter followers for our own campaigns, that doesn’t exempt us from this rule. Craigslist is totally different from Twitter, and I really mean it that way. In order for you to get phone verified, you had no other choice but to use your own phone, and follow the instructions from Craigslist, if you want to be verified or not. Once you are verified, you can immediately start posting ads anywhere in the world, but yet again, do not try to spam or abuse their own website.]]>