Twitter Marketing: Link Wheel With Web 2.0 Properties

Every webmaster and blogger who buy Twitter followers are doing everything to get them ranked well in Google and gaining some direct traffic as well. One of the strategies that most service providers are using is no other than link wheels. What makes you think that link wheels are so effective for those people who buy Twitter followers? Do you think it’s something new to Google or to some experts around the internet? For me, I don’t think this is quite new to the public. It was already practiced by a lot of people from different sources (especially if they buy Twitter followers for most of their careers), and they’re making a lot of money from it. Best of all, it does help all internet and affiliate marketers who also buy Twitter followers to rank their websites or blogs well in the Google SERPS.

Do you think link wheels are still effective right now?

Well for me who also buy Twitter followers, I think it’s still very effective once your content for every Web 2.0 property is in good quality and valuable to the public. Link wheel is a method where you interlink a group of websites to form themselves into a spinning wheel. If you don’t understand what I mean before you are going to buy Twitter followers, here’s a simple way. For example, if you have five different Web 2.0 properties (e.g., Squidoo, Hubpages, Webs, Weebly and Moonfruit) to targeted before you’re attempting to buy Twitter followers, here is the process: Squidoo links to Hubpages –> Hubpages links to Webs –> Webs links to Weebly –> Weebly links to Moonfruit –> Moonfruit links to Squidoo. In other words, they are forming a wheel to each other. For most internet and affiliate marketers who buy Twitter followers, they are going to use their content in order to interlink all of them to form a wheel. But they are also making sure that valuable and informative content should be present within each Web 2.0 property. The most important thing of all is that your whole content for each Web 2.0 property must not be spammy and stuffed with so many keywords while you buy Twitter followers. If you do that, there’s a good chance that Google Panda and Penguin will kick you out into their search results. Each content should be always original and fully-optimized with your desired keywords. Assuming that you already know the basics of SEO, Web 2.0 properties will help you get ranked well in the Google SERPS like no other. Not only Google though, but Yahoo and Bing may also index and help your website or blog rank well. The higher your rank is, the more search engine traffic you will get. If you are willing to buy Twitter followers from any source like mine, make sure that you should do the link wheel method. If you need someone who is very professional about link wheels, you should outsource it to any person who is reliable and honest. If you really think that Web 2.0 property link wheels may not work well with Google Panda and Penguin, you are wrong about that. Quality and informative content should be present in order to make sure that this method absolutely works.]]>

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