Things To Monitor In Twitter
Twitter is one of the very important tool that is used by many bigger brands to promote their products. But you must monitor your Twitter in a proper way to achieve big things out of it. Just follow this simple method to improve your Twitter presence and monitoring skills. You must listen what others say about your brand in order to act accordingly, so try to monitor the things that are being discussed.
1. First try to access the things that you like to monitor and some of the most usual things that are monitored by the brands include product keywords, other brand names, competitors, customers and more. Try to monitor all these things on regular basis to make it a habit.
2. Next you must find out the perfect time to monitor the Twitter information related to your business. There are also few tools such as Twellow to find out right people for monitoring your Twitter activities.
3. Also use short URL to monitor links that must be shared in Twitter. There are also options such as to make your links short and this will also help to know the number of people who are clicking your shortened link. This will make your work much easier to track useful links and also monitor many interactions.
4. Hashtag is also another search tool in Twitter as most of the people follow only this. Use some of the tools available for tracking hashtags and some of the tools allow you to look for multiple hashtags. Hashtags can also be helpful in finding the trending topics that is relevant to your business.
5. You must also try to monitor the trends that are perfect for your business. Twitter is one of the best platforms to look for real-time search results. Try to monitor the things that are being discussed in Twitter which can be very useful for the development of your business. It is important to stay in the present trend using the tools available for monitoring current trending topics in Twitter. Some of the tools that can be used to monitor the present trending topic include Trendistic and Tweetmeme.
6. Twitter list is another option to track or monitor people related to your brand. It is easy to create your own Twitter lists to monitor the people using it. You can create either public or private Twitter lists to monitor the people. There is an option to make your Twitter lists private which can be seen only by the person who has set it in the Twitter profile. You can also create email updates related to important keywords to track your brand details in real-time.
7. Use Twitter search to look for keywords and create RSS feeds based on your search results. Try to connect with people in Twitter and get more engagement. Try to interact with people and use your monitoring result to reach out to more number of people on this social media platform.]]>