The Process of Sending Out Normal and Marketing Type Tweets

Going back to the previous posts that I made about Twitter, I did mention that you should always give value when tweeting (especially if you are planning to buy Twitter followers for your campaigns). It is so important for me to give value for each and everyone of my fellow followers. No matter if I buy Twitter followers or generated them in a free way, it is important that both quality and valuable tweets should be sent out to them. Sending out too many spammy posts should result to the decrease of your subscribers (especially when you buy Twitter followers). Twitter has zero tolerance against spamming, as they will monitor every single activity of your account. So don’t test them, or else the money you buy Twitter followers will be just another thing you throw in the waste can. As an affiliate or internet marketer, you should know the process of sending our normal tweets and “marketing” type tweets. Normal tweets are those kind of tweets that you posted like a real person. But for marketing type tweets, you consider yourself as an advertiser. In this kind of process, I’ll show you the right combination between the normal tweets and marketing tweets to the account that you buy Twitter followers.

Why should we follow this process anyway?

There’s one good reason that people like me who buy Twitter followers must follow this process, is because to eliminate spam activity in our account. Just like I said in the previous paragraph, Twitter is monitoring each and every account that we have in terms of tweets.  In order for you to start, it’s already assumed that you buy Twitter followers for your respective niche accounts. Anyway, here is the real process about sending both normal tweets and marketing tweets. First thing first, you need to send out at least five normal tweets before you officially promote your website or blog with an affiliate product. Don’t forget that each tweet should have at least one hour gap to make it look like a legitimate user. This is to make sure that after you buy Twitter followers, you have already given out something that’s not going to spam your followers. If your niche is all about dog training, just send normal tweets first about dogs, or assuming that you have a dog playing with your sister. This is something that your subscribers (in which you buy Twitter followers) may follow your tweets all the day due to their interests.

What comes next after this?

Next? Since we are still using the dog training niche as an example, we should create a landing page about the related product that you want to promote. After that, cloak your published article in a website or blog with any URL shortener. Tweet it to your followers as a marketer, but with a little twist of being normal. This needs to be done after you sent out at least five normal tweets to the ones you buy Twitter followers. After you do this, send out another round of five normal tweets before promoting another product. For ongoing measures, you can now send a minimum of 3 normal tweets instead of five before promoting your own product. This is the real process of sending out both normal tweets and marketing-type tweets to your followers.]]>

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