The Black, White And Grey Hat Definitions For Twitter Marketers

buy Twitter followers, I did talked about the introduction of Grey Hat method to all of you. Well for me, I think it doesn’t matter at all because we are all here to buy Twitter followers for our own campaigns. I do really think that if we do this for our own followers, it’s still doubtful enough for me to do Grey Hat methods for all internet and affiliate marketers out there who buy tons of followers. I understand that most CPA networks are only looking for those methods which are White Hat and legitimate like no other. But what are we supposed to talk about here? Especially if we buy Twitter followers for this one? It’s very simple, you know? In this article of mine, I will be sharing about the definitions of Black Hat, White Hat and Grey Hat methods. I know that somebody who actually buy Twitter followers are already aware of these methods, but there are still who don’t get what are these already. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong if I am going to do some recap over and over again. As we buy Twitter followers for our own campaigns, we do have the right to know all of them again. Without further ado, here they are again: 1. White Hat Method For those of you who buy Twitter followers, this is the safest method that you will ever get. There are so many affiliate and internet marketers right now who are very successful using the White Hat method. You wanna know why? It is because White Hat methods are meant for long term income, which really depends on the efforts you have right now like no other. 2. Black Hat Method Unlike the good ol’ White Hat method for the ones you buy Twitter followers, this is the evil one. Black Hat method are consist of those strategies that are not allowed by any source like Google, Facebook, etc. But this method is not really limited to such sources like these, there are some who may allow you to do that. But take note that this method is not meant to be for long term opportunity. If you are still willing to do this for your CPA marketing efforts, just do it at your own risk. But I may not recommend this one if you are a reliable CPA and Twitter marketer like no other. 3. Grey Hat Method Last, but not the least for the ones you buy Twitter followers, is what we call the Grey Hat method. Unlike the White Hat and Black Hat methods out there, this one is the middle guy. In other words, I may be also calling this as semi White Hat and semi Black Hat method. But also take note that this is also a risky type method that you will ever get for your own CPA campaigns. Just try to be careful on what you are doing, as long as you don’t get caught by your respective CPA network.]]>

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