The Basics of Following Users on Twitter

If you are new on Twitter, I suggest that you need to know the basics of following other people. Don’t try to jump in by expressing your interests to buy Twitter followers from any reliable provider like mine. For those who are interested to buy Twitter followers, you need to familiarize yourself on how this powerful social media really works for all people. Unless if you have some money to buy Twitter followers for any occasion, I guess that it’s your own move to do that. But I would also suggest that you need to seek advice from professionals about buying tons of Twitter followers to your account. I see that some newbies are too lazy to learn about the basics of following. They just jump into various services that allows them to buy Twitter followers like no other. It is also a good option for them in case they don’t like to wait longer. It’s because that when you buy Twitter followers to your account, it will give you faster and long-term results like no other (depends on how you deliver tweets to them). But if you do not buy Twitter followers immediately (either you have no money or a newbie at least), it will take you much longer to see results. In the end (maybe 2-3 months I think), your hardwork pays off for good. We’ll, you are still in the learning process though.

Ok now, what are the basics anyway?

Before we jump to buy Twitter followers into your account, you need to know your own niche. It is something that you are passionate about, and how you are dedicated to it. For example, if your niche is all about a game called Defense of the Ancients (DOTA), you need to talk or tweet something about it. Try to find some blogs or forums that talks about DOTA, and see what kind of conversation are they doing. The best thing to do is just play the game. If you win or lose, you can tweet something like this: “I lost my first game for today, but good game to all!” It really sounds like a normal tweet, right? Now, we need to find some people here on Twitter that talks about DOTA. You need to go to their search engine (, and entire your desired keyword. For instance, try to type on the search bar “DOTA”. After the results are in, you may see that a lot of people are talking about this game. Just try to follow each one of them until you get to 50 or 100 a day. Don’t follow too much people in a single day, because Twitter may think that it’s an illegal activity that you’re trying to do. But for those who can afford to buy Twitter followers, it’s easy enough for you to instruct a service provider like me. It’s easy enough to say to your service provider that the ones you buy Twitter followers must have interests on DOTA only. The same thing applies to any niche that you may have been interested for a while. This is how you learn the basics of following people on Twitter. Before you buy Twitter followers, always remember that basics are always the stepping stone to success.]]>

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