No More Lead Gen Campaigns in Twitter
The lead generation campaigns have been one of the most used advertising feature for many on Twitter. But now Twitter has announced that they would be removing this feature which would no longer be available as advertising option. At present the lead generation ads have not been able to give the right result that was expected by Twitter. Starting from February 1 next year, Twitter would completely remove the lead generation option. This is an official confirmation from Twitter, but still the marketers can view and edit or delete the campaigns. But this will not be possible after March of next year as per Twitters announcement. The lead generation campaign provides the option to make your own promotional tweet that will be attached to the card and it will enable the viewers to share their info through call-to-action button within the app. If you select the call-to-action button you can see name, @username as well as email address of the user automatically filled in the Card.
It has been one of the most popular option among the brands who have been increasing the e-mail lists with the help of tweets. This most important change is expected Twitter to lose more business users who will use Facebook with the same type of feature even though it is more restrictive. In Twitter user will be able to reach the followers of their competitors, but in Facebook this is completely different which has a limited overall effectiveness. As per Twitter, they have been planning to introduce new options that would support the advertisers in reaching their consumers. Twitters lead generation ads were specially designed to encourage the marketers to achieve DR campaigns and lead generation cards can be embedded in ads to help the people in Twitter to share their contact info with the marketers related to their interested product or service. Twitter will not just be removing the lead generation campaigns, but a new ad format would be introduced to attract more advertisers.
The new updates for the lead generation ads is expected to be much more supportive for the mobile users and it would be chat and voice-enabled that would easily reach to more people on the advertising platform. To support this Twitter has already introduced new options like welcome messages, quick replies and new chatbots in DM to make the conversation more effective for brands as well as consumers. Twitter announced this ad feature in 2013 and there has been no special updated related to this option since then. But other similar social networks such as Facebook have same type of options and they have been introducing new features till date. Twitter has not given any particular reason why they are removing this ad feature and there is also no other alternate feature available for the brands to use now. We have to just wait and see how the advertisers would react to this information from Twitter and how Twitter replace its ad feature.]]>