Important Unfollow Tools For Twitter Users
One of the most used tool in Twitter is the unfollow tool where you can remove inactive followers. There are different types of unfollow tool available for Twitter, but some of them are widely used by most of the people. There are few guidelines for follower and following which must be taken care while using Twitter for personal and business purpose. Here are few tools that can be used to unfollow your followers.
1. Friend or Follow tool- This is a very simple unfollow tool that can be used to analyze your Twitter followers before unfollowing them from Twitter. You must sign in to your Twitter account to use this tool and select list of the users whom you don’t need to unfollow.
2. Twittercounter tool- It is known to be a best unfollow twitter tool as it allows you to remove the users in large numbers at the same time. This tool is available for free and it is also very easy to use as you can just track the Twitter account to make it unfollow easily.
3. Manageflitter tool- Manageflitter tool is normally used by many Twitter account holders to unfollow inactive users. It is possible to sort the users details as per your desire and it also provides information about the people whom you can follow. There is a search option available in this tool that can be used to look for particular followers to your account.
4. CrowdFireApp tool- It is also considered to be a very simple unfollow twitter tool that can be sue by the people to unfollow users who have not been following their Twitter account. There are restrictions for using this tool for free as you can unfollow just 50 followers in a day. There is also another option called as Copy Followers available in this tool that makes it really interesting.
5. SocialBro tool- SocialBro is a powerful twitter tool that helps to unfollow a list of twitter users and there are also other features which can be attractive if you use it efectively. You can get complete stats about your followers by using this tool and even analyze your competitors. Even though this tool is known to be used to unfollow inactive Twitter users, it has the most powerful interface that can be helpful in using the Twitter more efficiently.
6. Tweepi tool- Tweepi is a Twitter unfollow tool that is a perfect option for the Twitter users. There are many imortant features available in this tool that can be used by the business people for marketing purpose and even knowing sales strategies. There are number of features available in this unfollow tool that can look interesting for many Twitter users. Anyone can use this tool for removing individuals who have unfollowed your account and even those who are following back. It is also possible to remove Twitter users with spam profiles and those who are not related to your Twitter account.]]>