Last time, I had discussed about the overview of the oldest affiliate program in the world, which was known as Amazon Associates. It is simply perfect for all people who wanna buy Twitter followers once and for all. Now that you have got the idea on what this program is all about, I’m going to show you something on taking advantage with that one, while you buy Twitter followers once and for all.
I am going to teach everyone here who is willing to buy Twitter followers into their account, to make money as an Amazon Associate. Basically, you need to register an account with Amazon Associates. Once you are already registered, I think your account is also merged with online store. It is from my own experience when I registered as an Amazon associate, but not sure on their terms right now. But no matter what, it is quite important that you should be accepted into their program, as you have planned to buy Twitter followers as well.
How can you make money with Amazon Associates?
The process is really quite simple to apply for those people who
buy Twitter followers into their respective niches, but may take you time as well. The first thing you need is to search for a niche. In order for you to get good results like no other while attempting to
buy Twitter followers, you should be after the Best Sellers section. Most of them are books and anything that is related to technology. Suppose that you are targeting the best selling books on Amazon for the ones you are planning to
buy Twitter followers, you need to pick the top results only (or those with lots of Google monthly searches through analyzing it with your Google Keyword External Tool). Before you want to buy Twitter followers, please make sure to your service provider that the niche was all about best selling books.
Once you have found the book that you want to promote to the ones you
buy Twitter followers, copy its affiliate link and save it somewhere on your laptop or PC. The next thing you need to register a domain (probably generic or keyword-rich type) and web hosting account. These are the tools you need to create a WordPress blog. Create a landing page there and install some plugins like All In One SEO, Maxblogpress Ninja Affiliate (paid but recommended) and Daniel Lew’s Keyword Winner. Next, you need to write an article or product review about that eBook, and include your affiliate link there which was hyperlinked within that keyword. After you have finished setting up your own WordPress blog about best selling books, it’s time for you to promote it to people you are going to
buy Twitter followers.
The first thing you wanna do is to
buy Twitter followers within this niche. While the process is ongoing, you may need to build non-promotional backlinks to make it an authority site. You can promote the Amazon niche blog to various sources like article directories, press releases, video marketing, Web 2.0’s and a lot more. The more you promote and build backlinks, the more money you will make as an Amazon Associate and a Twitter marketer.]]>