How To Create A Unique Password For Your Twitter Account?

In my previous article, I did talk about the importance of protecting your own Twitter account before you buy Twitter followers. I think it’s time for you to be careful when you buy Twitter followers. You know why? There are some service providers who are asking for your god ol’ password, but the others are not. If I were you, I would choose the one who doesn’t need to ask for a password to get started generating followers to your own account. In that case, you buy Twitter followers from the service providers like me that are legitimate and trusted. Speaking of my service that allows you to buy Twitter followers, I have clearly stated that I’m not requiring you to give me the password of your Twitter account. I respect your privacy, so I don’t need your password at all

Respecting their privacy is totally important…

Everybody should take note on this, especially when you are trying to buy Twitter followers. It’s important you should be careful of whom are you dealing with, before you buy Twitter followers. Anyway, here are some of my tips for you to create a unique Twitter password: 1. Password must not be closer to your username This is one of the most important tips you should apply when creating a password for your Twitter account. Before you buy Twitter followers, the password of your Twitter account must not be closer to your username. For example, if your username is Vince123, the password must mention the same name of your username. If you do that, there’s a good chance that stalkers might figure out the password of your Twitter account. 2. Must be around 10 characters or more Aside from not being closer to the username of your Twitter account (where you buy Twitter followers), the password must be around 10 characters or more. It is easy enough for the stalkers to figure out your password when it’s below 10 characters. The longer your password character, the harder they will figure out to access your own Twitter account. 3. Must be mixed with numbers This is something that you should do with your password before you attempt to buy Twitter followers. You should try to include some numeric figures within the password. Aside from making it longer, adding numbers are really necessary. A very good example would be like this (vincent85091). 4. Must be mixed with capital letters Last, but not the least, is that you should mix it with capital letters for the account you buy Twitter followers. There are some internet and affiliate programs I’ve registered, which requires a user to enter at least one number and one capital letter. But for those who are doing it with their Twitter account, at least two capitals and three numbers would be better. A good example would be like this (VincenT39671). As you can see, I have two capital letter and five different numbers. This will make it tougher for the stalkers to know exactly the password of your Twitter account (unless you gave it to them voluntarily). I hope you have learned some tips here to make your password unique on your Twitter account.]]>

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