In order for you to make money online very well with pay per downloads while you buy Twitter followers, you need to know what niches are hot right now. In other words, you need to know those niches that most people (those ones you buy Twitter followers) are really desperate of. Because of these niches, lots of incentive CPA marketers out there are making a lot of money.
But that’s not all, these niches are not going to get saturated at all, so it’s really worth for you to promote this to your subscribers (only when you buy Twitter followers from any source like mine).
What are these hottest niches for pay per download programs anyway?
1. Game beta keys, serial keys, cracks, etc.
For sure, this is one of the most common niches for those who buy Twitter followers on their own and make money with their respective pay per download programs. Beta keys, serial key numbers and cracks are definitely certified for you to promote to these desperate gamers (whom you already
buy Twitter followers to your account). All you really need is to
buy Twitter followers who are targeted to these kinds of features that they’re really desperate with.
2. PC and MMO game generators
This is another common niche that you should try after you
buy Twitter followers for good. If you are looking to buy in-game items from your respective online game (but no money at all), this niche is what you’re looking for. Games like World of Warcraft, League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth are some of those games that are having in-game items that you guys definitely need. If you have a game generator that allows you to generate a lot of credits to your respective games, you can easily monetize it to the ones you
buy Twitter followers. They will download your generator in exchange of completing the survey.
3. Jailbreak smartphone devices
This is also considered one of the best niches that you should market on after attempting to
buy Twitter followers. If you are an owner of any smartphone devices like the iPhone 4S, you need to do something to unlock the limited features of your phone. The term we used is called jailbreaking. Many of these users are looking for any software that can jailbreak the chosen device. It is really hard to find them though. If you can find one, you need to share it to those people you
buy Twitter followers. You will get money from them once they unlock the page by completing an offer.
4. Nulled softwares
Last, but not the least, is what we called nulled softwares. For example, if you have a trial version of any software, you need to look for someone who can null it. It’s very hard to null any kind of software (depends on the quality inside of it). Once it is nulled, you can immediately share it to those who are really desperate to get that software (only if you have finished attempting to
buy Twitter followers).
At least I have already shared to you about the hottest pay per download niches that you may count on for your followers to be happy.]]>