Does Google Also Love The Twitter Alternatives?
buy Twitter followers, I hope that you have understand all of the things that I have shared to you in the previous article. Right now, this is another question that you should be answering right now. What makes you think that Google also loves Twitter alternatives? Are they really that special to the Google search engine? Even if they are the competitors to their own social media called Google Plus? I would really think that the answer would be quite very easy. There’s one big reason why Google loves Twitter alternatives, is because of their user attraction. Thus, they are already marked as one of the highly authoritative sites in the world of internet. It was understood for me that these social media sites are very powerful, so we just need to take advantage of it right away. At least, there is no one who can stop you on your career, and you are truly deserving yourself to become successful in what you are doing for now. But for now, I will be giving you some specific real reasons about Google’s love of Twitter alternatives. The first ever reason that Google loves them, is because of their user interface. When it comes to social media, it is all about sharing anything that you want. But please take note that when you share something on a social media site like Twitter, you really need to give some more value to the others users in the community. Due to the things that we can make friends with them, share photos, videos, links and play games with each other, it’s one thing that Google loves about a social media site. Another reason that Google loves these Twitter alternatives, is due to the value they give to the end user. Unlike those websites and blogs that relies on search engine optimization and original content, social media site doesn’t need any of those efforts. They had already given some value to the end user, by simply adding features that may attract the user. One of those features that they had are applications. One good example would be Facebook apps. There are so many developers right now who are creating Facebook applications, and made it go public to be used by the members. But what would it be for them in return? It is quite simple, as they are making money through the affiliate, cost per action (CPA) or Google Adsense displayed within the game. As a result, there are many Facebook developers who are already making a living for it. The same thing goes to the other networks like Friendster, LinkedIn, Google Plus and a whole lot more. But what about Twitter anyway? I think in the near future, Twitter will be adding some more features that may simply attract all of us, not only on the other Twitter alternative sites. This is one good reason why Google loves the alternatives of Twitter.]]>