Twitter Will Overcome Vine Failure

Twitter Vine is part of Twitter that features short video sharing on the social media network. The vine users can post videos of short length that is about 6 seconds in length which makes it really interesting. This option from Twitter is considered to be very unique and it was introduced for the users at the time when people were looking achieve fame with their short videos. Vine was first introduced in the year 2013 and people used it to post six second video that can be uploaded directly through their mobile device. Once this was launched people from all over the world started to post videos on regular basis till it faced tough competition from Instagram and Snapchat. Once the vine faced competition from other similar sources it failed to recover. In the present world everyone wants to act in a fast paced manner and with updated features from other similar options, Vine failed to recover from its fall. Twitter introduced Vine as an updated and unique feature, but failed to innovate after acquiring from Periscope. During the introduction of Vine, there was tough competition from Snapchat and Instagram that made a big impact on this Twitter’s new option. Now there are also other social media platforms that have introduced many live streaming video options that are used by various people when compared to the other features. Twitter has been facing lot of problems recent times as several other social media offers advanced features related to video sharing.  The NFL night game which was expected to get more attention from the public failed to do due to various reasons and Twitter also saw few large suitors backed making other to be aware of this. Twitter offers live streaming videos of only NBA shows and along with Google they are planning to index the tweets on Google. They will be continuing their process to improve Periscope to improve Twitter’s analytics reporting systems as well as dashboards. Now it is also possible to upload videos directly in Twitter that makes it easy for the users who can avoid using Vine for sharing videos. Twitter has been introducing new and innovative features that would become easier for its users to stay connected with people on this social media platform. The options available in Twitter are very simple that makes it unique when compared to other similar social media platforms. Twitter was also used to connect with various other social platforms and websites that make it easier to use. There are many people who want to use Twitter on regular basis and when compared to other platforms they have highest number of active users. There has been speculation that the failure of Vine will affect Twitter in a huge way, but Twitter still has more other functions that would keep its users attracted to it. Most of the businesses still use Twitter to get connected with customers and also promote their products in an efficient way.]]>

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