Twitter And Web 2.0 Marketing: Squidoo
buy Twitter followers, I did talk about two of the best Web 2.0 properties today. They are self-hosted WordPress and Blogger. Before we get in to the third one, let’s try to make a little recap about the two Web 2.0 properties that I have shared before in this wonderful blog. For self-hosted WordPress, I would really recommend you to have this one. Even if you buy Twitter followers, you need to invest with a domain and web hosting in order to have your very own self-hosted WordPress blog. It will build your brand more than ever while you buy Twitter followers. As for Blogger, this is a free site for all internet and affiliate marketers out there. Unless you really wanted to redirect or attach your own domain to Blogger, you just need to do it manually. I would really like to tell you that both self-hosted WordPress and Blogger for the ones you buy Twitter followers are good for promoting your own niches. They will be giving you even more exposure than ever, as long you have a good quality content that can be appreciated by your readers and audience. But right now, this is not what are we going to talk about as you buy Twitter followers. We will be talking about third of five Web 2.0 properties to be used for the ones you buy Twitter followers once and for all. I think you are already familiar with this one, and it was commonly used by most affiliate and internet marketers around the world. Without further ado, I would like to talk about a common and well-known Web 2.0 property called Squidoo. But what is Squidoo all about? What makes it really different than the other Web 2.0’s here around the world as we know it? According to some sources, the difference between Squidoo and the other Web 2.0 properties to be used by the ones who buy Twitter followers, is the unique module features. It is a series of tools which you can customize your own article or blog page on your own like the links, image, polls, etc. Not only that, Squidoo is giving you an opportunity to make money with your own lens. You can make money with Google Adsense, Amazon Ads and eBay, but you can also add third party affiliate links there. Due to the Google Panda and Penguin update, the rules and regulations there are now stricter. Even if you did buy Twitter followers for your Squidoo lens, it is not guaranteed that your lens won’t last long if your content is too short or inappropriate. Squidoo is all about giving value to your own readers, and that is why it is being loved by Google. When you try to search something for your own campaigns, it seems that Squidoo did appear on the search results like no other. As long you customize your lens very well with appropriate content, you can finally say that it is going to be worth using this for your own campaign.]]>