Twitter has been taking some important actions to deal with trolls and social media abuse. There are number of new privacy measures and security options have been introduced by Twitter such as safer search results, temporary restrictions of accounts, limiting visibility of tweets and more. All these options have been very small, but it is […]
Twitter Still A Best Platform For Marketers
Twitter has been one of the most used social media channels for common people and marketers. There has been news about revenue decline for Twitter that has made most of the marketers to think about using Twitter. But there is still a long way to stop using Twitter especially for the marketers. Even now Twitter […]
First View Data From Twitter
Twitter had released a new option known as last year First View that was able to help the marketers to know how to make their promoted social video will target audience after logging into the Twitter account. According to Twitter First View supports the brands to get attention on top of their timeline. The First […]
Twitter To Ban Abusive Accounts
Twitter is one of the social media platforms where people get accused on various occasions. To deal with this abusive behavior from users on this media platform, Twitter has been trying various things. One of the latest technique that has been introduced by Twitter is offenders are sent notifications showing tweet reach has been limited. […]
New Research From Twitter About Effective Video
Twitter has done a new research where it was looking for the video content which performs well in generating mental response and memory on this social media platform. The study was conducted along with the Omnicom Media Group about 127 users in Twitter were analyzed with neuroscience to look for brain activity. The following are […]
Twitter To Introduce Events Calendar
Content calendar are known to be one of the best way to maintain your social presence. It is also possible to get all the information about relevant celebrations. There are special tools available for creating a content calendar, but you have to spend more time to use them. Twitter has released a calendar template to […]
Twitter To Replace Moments With Explore Tab
Twitter has been changing Moments tab with different variations such as the Happening tab and Explore tab. Most of the Twitter users have noticed this change happening on this platform. Moments has been still listed on this social channel, but its new tabs featured tabs including Moments, live video and trending now in one section. […]
Twitter Dashboard To Be Closed
Twitter has made a big announcement that it will be closing its most important feature known as dashboard. This feature was introduced by Twitter during last summer and it is mostly useful for the businesses to track the tweets with the help of tools available in it. It is also useful to track other details […]
Steps To Get Twitter Audience Insights
There are users who will be looking to use the data in Twitter that is able to get a tweet stream into their account. Even though Twitter is not considered to be more popular among people when compared to various social media platform, the number of tweets send through the network is really more. It […]