Going back to the previous article I’ve just written for you who buy Twitter followers, it was simply clear that men are attracted to women. You know why? It’s simple for me to answer, and that is called beautiful, pretty and cute. Is there anything that this topic can be related to buy Twitter followers?
For me, absolutely yes! It is because I am going to talk about creating a feminine profile for your own Twitter account. This article is not just for girls, but also for men who want to make a difference after they buy Twitter followers. First of all, why men like you can create a feminine account? Are you some kind of gay or something? Absolutely not! As Twitter and CPA marketer, we are here to do our business for those people we buy Twitter followers!
Doing our business by pretending to be a woman?
Of course, isn’t it possible for you? Of course it is possible, as long you know how to pretend like a girl. I don’t think you will be pretending like a girl like doing make-ups, wear girl stuff or even voice like a girl. Here on Twitter, we will be only pretending as girls through creating a feminine profile with a girl picture, and buy Twitter followers as well. You get it? I hope so! Without further ado, I would like to give you some tips on how to create a Twitter account for an attractive girl. In this way, your ultimate goal before or after you buy Twitter followers, is to simply attract people who follow you in the process, and to act like a girl through tweeting.
Let’s get started shall we? It’s time to roll!
The first thing you need is to create a brand new Twitter account. Make sure that when you create a new Twitter account, both the username and the real name must be feminine. It is one simple way that men like me will be attracted, even if we buy Twitter followers once and for all. Try to make sure also that your email address must be feminine as well, so that when they contact you via email, they understand that you are really a girl. After you have successfully created a feminine account, you need to confirm it via the email address attached to your account. After that, let’s move on to the next step.
The next thing you wanna do is to design your profile. For the avatar or picture, you need to upload a real girl picture. Make sure that those pictures should grant you free commercial use. I really don’t think Google Images is a good option (unless you are going to choose an option that can let you use commercially through the advanced options). Once you have found a beautiful girl picture that is free to use commercially, upload it immediately to your Twitter account.
Next, you should design it with girlish background image, sidebar and text colors. Pink, violet, yellow, orange and sky blue are the most common colors that girls are using, so you should better use it for the ones you buy Twitter followers. For the background, just pick a Twitter theme that is girlish style. There you have it folks, you’ve finally created a feminine profile for your Twitter account.